What's your story on fall? If you're like me, there's a good chance you haven't had enough beach and sunshine. Yet whether or not we like it, fall happens. Every year. Herbst. Autumn. And It's got its own thing going on.
Like the colors. In the perfect world (that I don't live in) I'd do dreamy things like take lots of walks, cook up big pots of soup and spend time every afternoon reading. Outside in crisp sunshine.
In my
real world, I'm happy to find a moment to sit down with a cup of tea and flip through my summer vacation pics. Australia still has me in it's grips...
Really, do it. Getting run over on holiday sucks! |
On vacation I like to take photos of signs. Don't really know why, just know that it's something I do.
... ever hear of the irukandji? |
Perhaps because the signs help to tell a story ...
and later help me relive the excitement ... |
and the joy... (everything I need, right cheer). |
... and remind me how much I love Ozzieland!
What's your favorite fall ritual?