Oct 15, 2010

Can you hear the crashing surf?

Ever been on vacation, soaking up the sounds, smells and sights, just wishing you could take it all home with you? I have. Actually, I am. On a mini vacation. Right now. And I'm trying to figure it out:  how can I keep this with me?  This feeling of being in a good place.  

Take a photo for my mind's eye.
Listen. Imprint. Remember.

All the souvenirs in the world won't do what my mind's eye can do.
Surfline photo/Brian Jeffrey
What's your favorite vacation sound?

Oct 11, 2010

Are your feet happy?

Have you noticed more and more feet fotos out there ... in the world?
People seem to have a fascination with their feet, their constant and trusted companions.
                 ... and now that I think about it, feet are kinda fun!
Feet go places.
They help us relax.

They hang out in the sun.
And they are adventurous.

What's not to like?
about feet, that is!

What have your feet been up to lately?