Jun 7, 2010

June Celebrations

June is a big celebration month. Six months past Christmas, we now have the energy to do it again! So for June we plan WEDDINGS, throw SCHOOL's OUT! parties, schedule Family Reunions and attend and celebrate GRADUATIONS. Feel good stuff!

Some people are natural party throwers. Confident in their abilities to time it out, they cook, decorate and invite. Of course, intellectually we know that all that is needed for a fun celebration are good people, good food and a lovely setting  ... Whoa! Emotions fire up. Good people - ok, that's doable. Good food (do I gotta cook?). Lovely setting ...MY HOUSE?! Dang. Just got scared. Ready to run  and hide under a rock!

What's a hostess to do? Simple. Call the caterer and light some candles!  Candles transform most any setting into one that is more romantic, prettier, and comforting. Almost everyone feels they look better in candlelight AND for that matter, it seems others look better too! ( I like candlelight in my home because it hides many of the chips and scars of an 85 yr old house).

A wonderful choice for candle holders, esp. if you're a Bellingburger like me who likes to buy local (or semi-local), is Glassybaby. Classy, sweet Glassybabys don't just hold candles, Glassybabys GLOW There is a color palette for every event, mood or decor. Their hot shop and a retail store is located in Seattle's Madrona neighborhood. Visit their website at www.glassybaby.com.  You'll find great photos and a blog with nice sentiments.Check 'em out!

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