We've been back in Sydney for 2 days now. Two Fun Filled Days!
The sun has come out to grace us, however, I can't deny that
it is WINTER here. I didn't want to believe that I was leaving our summer weather to vacation
down under in winter. But, it's true. I'd have done better to pack a warm coat and boots. I've been COLD a lot!
Sydney is fashionable. Not snobby fashionable, but definately a bit more edge. We UWD moms clomp along in our sensible shoes and red
United We Dance windbreakers with backpacks and cameras ... easy to spot, that's for sure!
But does it matter? NO! We are having a fabulous time!
Here is the rundown of the last two days: The Rocks Friday market, yummy spinach & chicken crepes, architecture continues to surprise and amaze me, Sydney Dance Theater on a wharf, an empty dance studio = a ton of pictures (
mom! were dancing at the Sydney School of Dance!), Strand Arcade displays victorian beauty and Aussie designer wear, home to the Hyde Park Inn. Slept soundly. UP and Atem. Saturday Paddington Market. Lots of artisans, music and above average crafts/clothing and food. Bus to the Circle Quay (SAY: CIRCLE
KEY!). Ferry to Manly Beach.
Very manly. Golden sand, surfers, kids in lifeguard training. Families, tourists. Souvineers. Fish and Chips. Home to freshen up. Then off to the Sydney Opera House to see an Aboriginee Dance Troupe. Cool 'eh?
More fun tomorrow! (wish I had pictures. will download when I'm home. beautiful place this Australia!).