Nov 26, 2010

What were you Thankful for?

Yesterday was Thanksgiving. It was busy! Today is quiet: a day to avoid the kitchen and reflect. (I'm quite thankful for the leftovers. It's one of the bonuses for hosting a holiday.)

I'm very grateful for those who joined us yesterday for food and fun.  I'm thankful for a break in routine. Oh, and my camera! I really love my camera and the surprises I occasionally find there:
On Thanksgiving our dog Chloe got to go for a walk and bury her nose in the snow. She loves the snow!
Our dog Dillon has a different nature: he waited patiently thru Macy's parade and then came alive for the Dog Show. In case you missed it, he could probably tell you who got 'Best in Show'.

One more time:

Chloe, the outdoor girl-dog, happy in the snow:

And Dillon, our tv-watching, couch potato guy-dog:

On another day, I'll share a story about our coffee drinking cat, Joe.
It's a crazy bunch.
What did you give thanks for on Thanksgiving?


  1. They are too cute! Lulu also loves to watch the dog show :) We are so grateful to our amazing families, friends, and each other {and Lu}!

  2. those doggies are too darned cute...

  3. Thanks! Our dogs bring such sweetness to our lives (along with a ton of dog-hair)!
